Roles and Responsibilities

The Roles & Responsibilities Matrix is provided to help define the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the identification, assembly, and submission of sponsored project proposals through the close of the awards. As further areas are addressed, the tasks and resources will be expanded.

This Matrix identifies common lifecycle award activities and provides guidance regarding the responsible parties; It is not meant to be prescriptive or exhaustive and is subject to change.  

R – Responsible: the party ultimately responsible for ensuring the task is completed (person who actually DOES the work).

A – Accountable: answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the task (person is obligated to make sure the work is done, and is correct).

C – Consulted: a party whose opinion may be sought or acts as a subject matter expert.

I – Informed: a party kept apprised of the task being completed and its outcome.

NU-RES Administration (RA)

NU-RES Finance (RF)

Principal Investigator (PI)





Other Offices

Roles & Responsibilities Matrix (PDF chart).

Last Updated on January 29, 2025