Actions Routed via ePAWS

What is ePAWS?:

ePAWS (Electronic Proposal Approval and Workflow System) is a simple proposal development tool used to prepare and route a proposal for institutional review, approval, and submission.

Pre-Proposals and Letters of Intent (LOIs):

Pre-proposals and LOIs must be routed for internal approval via ePAWS before submission to a funding agency if any of the below circumstances apply:

  • Limited Submission: The number of submissions from Northeastern University (NU) is limited.
  • Signature from an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) is required or the pre-proposal/LOI requires an AOR signature via an electronic system (e.g.,, ARPA-E, etc.).
  • The submission commits the University to cost-sharing of any kind; and/or
  • The sponsor requires a detailed budget

Full Proposals:

While some external funding agencies allow investigators to submit applications for research and sponsored programs, all applications submitted on behalf of Northeastern University must be reviewed and approved by Northeastern University Research Enterprise Services (NU-RES) prior to submission. NU-RES is the only entity at NU authorized to sign and /or submit research and sponsored program proposals and sign and/or accept resulting awards on behalf of the University. Proposals must be routed to NU-RES prior to submission so that NU-RES can perform necessary checks to ensure compliance with NU and funding agency policies and procedures. Additional information on the institutional review process can be found on Route for Review and Submission page.

Annual Progress Reports – Continuation Applications:

For active awards, funding agencies may require that the grantee (i.e. NU) submit a progress report that also acts as a continuation application for the upcoming budget period. Because those reports serve as both an annual performance report and a continuation application, they must be routed via ePAWS for AOR submission.

A primary example would be NIH Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs). NIH RPPRs require AOR signature, and they serve as both an annual performance report for the current budget period and a non-continuation application for the upcoming period. The RPPR is the grantee’s official request to NIH for continued funding.

Examples of other funding agencies that may require continuation applications include:

  • Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

If you receive a request for a continuation application, please route it via ePAWs. If you are unsure if a submission belongs in ePAWs, please reach out to your Grant Officer(s) for assistance.

Required ePAWs Fields for Continuation Applications:
• Start and End Dates fields: Start & End dates should be for the upcoming period.

  • Proposal Type field: Continuation/Progress Report
  • Personnel: All Sr/Key Personnel that will participate in the upcoming period.
  • Funding Opportunity Number field: Enter the original Funding Opportunity Number
  • Budget – Direct & Indirect Costs: Enter the anticipated direct and indirect costs for the upcoming period.
  • Attachments:
    • Full Application field: Upload a printout of the completed continuation application/RPPR.
    • Other Attachments: Upload any funding agency instructions received for the submission as well as any other applicable documents ( i.e. Unobligated Balance Calculator).
  • For NIH RPPRs, if the award is a Multi-PI project it is important that all NU PIs are listed in ePAWs as they are required to sign off on the RPPR. If there are PIs that reside at other institutions, please ensure to obtain their approval for the RPPR and upload that to ePAWs. See NIH Grant Policy Statement and notice NOT-OD-06-054 for details.

Last Updated on January 13, 2025