NU-RES, in conjunction with partners in various administrative offices and ITS, have built tools — eCD & eCLAWs, and are in development of ePAWs — that will automate our shared administrative functions.
eCD (electronic Conflict Disclosures), eCLAWs (electronic Contract and Legal Agreement Workflow system) and ePAWs (electronic Proposal and Award Workflow system) are integrated, role-based software applications designed to automate processing administrative transactions and manage institutional reviews. Each application provides real-time information to help meet operational needs and inform data based decisions.
We welcome your feedback and look forward to learning from your experiences using these applications – together we can make it better!
For questions regarding eCD eCLAWs ePAWs please contact the NU-RES Help Center.
Electronic Conflict Disclosure (eCD)
Northeastern University’s Compliance Department, the Office of the General Counsel, and Northeastern University Research Enterprise Services (NU-RES) collaborated to design an automated, real-time, accurate and flexible conflict disclosure system that enhances the University’s ability to manage potential conflicts within a wide range of critical functions. The result is eCD: a new electronic Conflict Disclosure system.
eCD Disclosers: To submit your electronic conflict of interest disclosure:
Review the eCD Discloser Step by Step instructions then, log into eCD.
Questions about eCD, including help with the application, should be sent to the NU-RES Help Center.
To learn more about eCD, please watch the video below:
Electronic Contract and Legal Agreement Workflow System (eCLAWs)
Northeastern University Research Enterprise Services (NU-RES) collaborated with different departments to design an automated, real-time, accurate and flexible contract workflow system that enhances the University’s ability to submit, review, approve and manage contracts. The result is eCLAWs: an Electronic Contract and Legal Agreement Workflow System.
QuickCard instructions for Submitters, Gatekeepers, and for Checking the Status of your Agreement can be found on the eCLAWs Training webpage.
Questions about eCLAWs, including help with the application, should be sent to the NU-RES Help Center.
To learn more about eCLAWs, please watch the video below:
Electronic Proposal and Award Workflow System (ePAWs)
Northeastern University has embarked on a project to develop a software application to replace the current Coeus proposal/award database, enhance the current ePAWs routing form, and automate the submission and review process for non-financial transactions that require institutional approval.
Development of the application continues, with user acceptance testing estimated in Summer/Fall 2024.