Do you need a Technology Control Plan?
Everything you need to know about
Technology Control Plans
A Technology Control Plan (TCP) is a customized document that outlines the appropriate access and handling procedures to protect export-controlled items and certain types of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

Report a Concern
Northeastern University strongly encourages any member of the community to report unethical or questionable conduct including concerns about research misconduct.
To report a concern, you may email Research Compliance or contact the EthicsPoint confidential and anonymous reporting hotline.
Do I need a TCP?

- Covered Defense Information (Type of CUI)
- Military Defense Research (ITAR)
- Atomic Energy Act Data (DOE)
TCP Always Required
Research Compliance will work with you to develop a TCP.

- Dual-Use Research (EAR)
- Dissemination Restrictions
- Distribution Statement B-F
TCP May Be Required
Consult with Research Compliance.

- Other categories of CUI (e.g., privacy, tax, transportation)
- Commercial and Civilian Research (EAR99)
TCP Unlikely
Research Compliance can provide guidance on handling and project-specific considerations.
What about trade secrets?
Consult with Research Compliance for more information.

Last Updated on April 25, 2024