‘There are big researchers here!’ Marine science symposium gives high school students an opportunity to see Northeastern scientists at work

Not every student attending the High School Marine Science Symposium at the Curry Student Center on Northeastern’s Boston campus Thursday will become a scientist.

But each of them has the opportunity to advocate for healthy oceans and sustainable environments, whether they become researchers, teachers, artists, policymakers or simply informed voters, Sierra Munoz, outreach program coordinator for Northeastern’s Marine Science Center, told the 170 Boston-area students.

Reclaiming coral reefs, oceans and biodiversity is important for the future, Munoz said. “And that future includes all of you.”

The annual symposium, held by Northeastern jointly with the Massachusetts Marine Educators group, was the first to meet in person since March of 2020.

“We hope that you’ll learn something new about our coastlines and oceans, that you’ll meet some scientists and conservation leaders whose work interests you and that you find some inspiration to continue on your current path towards affecting change on this planet,” Munoz said.

The morning symposium gave students the opportunity to attend workshops where they learned why ocean acidification poses a threat to the environment and how hard it is for marine mammals to communicate when there’s a lot of human-made noise.

More info :https://news.northeastern.edu/2023/03/09/high-school-marine-science-symposium/

Last Updated on March 16, 2023