I want to make you aware that the following sets of NSF Award Conditions have been updated for consistency with the revised 2 CFR §200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
- Grant General Conditions (GC-1);
- Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms and Conditions (CAFATC); and
- Cooperative Agreement Modifications and Supplemental Financial and Administrative Terms and Conditions for Major Multi-User Research Facility Projects and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.
The revised terms and conditions will apply to all new NSF awards and funding amendments to existing awards made on or after November 12, 2020.
The terms and conditions incorporate revised 2 CFR §200 coverage including: requirements for award termination and enforcement; compliance with Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which prohibits the use of Federal assistance funding on certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment; as well as other significant changes and clarifications. All sets of award conditions are accompanied by a summary of changes made to that document.
NSF will separately announce the release of the Agency Specific Requirements to the Research Terms and Conditions (RTC), as well as the Administration of NSF Conference or Group Travel Award Grant Conditions (FL-26).
Questions about NSF award conditions may be sent to [email protected].
Jean Feldman
Head, Policy Office
Division of Institution & Award Support (DIAS)
Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management
National Science Foundation
Last Updated on November 10, 2020