This is a semi-annual reminder that recipients of SC funded awards, made or renewed on or after October 1, 2014, are required to submit to DOE the final peer-reviewed accepted manuscript for any published journal article based on the research supported by the award. This requirement is included in the terms and conditions as part of the reporting requirements of the award.
Final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts are collected using the DOE corporate E-Link system, which is operated by DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI). Recipients are expected to submit final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts upon acceptance of the publication, but no later than one-year after the date the journal article is published online. Final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts will be made available through DOE PAGES and OSTI.GOV one-year after the article is published online.
Submission Instructions:
To submit an accepted manuscript, you should use the “Financial Assistance Recipients” tab on the E-Link homepage. You will then use a simple step-by-step submission interface to make the submission. Through E-Link, you will submit metadata/citation information for the article as well as either an upload of the accepted manuscript or a link to it in a publicly accessible institutional or subject repository. If researchers have the DOI (digital object identifier) for the article, much of the metadata will be populated automatically.
Only final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts should be submitted since DOE has the rights to use the final peer-reviewed version of the manuscript for public access purposes. Copyrighted articles (the final published version) should not be submitted to OSTI unless it is published as an “Open Access” article.
Instructions for submission of manuscripts are also included in the DOE Federal Reporting Checklist and Instructions, DOE F 4600.2 (see “Scientific and Technical Reporting” section Journal Article/Accepted Manuscripts, pp. 5-6).
Video Tutorial:
OSTI has prepared a video tutorial to demonstrate how to submit a manuscript. Watch the video here.
As an additional reminder, it is important to acknowledge the DOE award appropriately in publications. Requirements for acknowledgement of federal support can be found here.
FAQs and Help:
OSTI has prepared a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Public Access which you can find here.
For any other questions regarding submission of your final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts or help with your submission, please contact [email protected].
Last Updated on April 26, 2022