NIMH Data Archive (NDA) Winter Newsletter | National Institute of Mental Health sent this bulletin at 02/28/2023 10:55 AM EST
NDA Office Hours are Available!
If you have questions – we have answers!
Office Hours are designated times for our experts to answer your specific questions in real-time.
We encourage all users who are required to submit data to the NIMH Data Archive to join us for one or more Office Hours sessions. These sessions are an opportunity to learn about the entire data submission and QA processes and to receive specialized guidance if you have questions!
To join one of our upcoming Office Hour sessions, simply register on our website.
Feel free to share this information with the appropriate staff on your project.
As always, you can email the NDA Help Desk with any questions! NDA Help Desk hours are weekdays from 8:30am-5:30pm ET.
Is Your Grant Approaching its End Date?
If your NDA Collection has reached the project end date, and you’ve submitted data for all data structures listed on your Data Expected list, please notify the NDA Help Desk .
To ensure an efficient closeout process, please complete the following prior to emailing the NDA Help Desk:
- Make sure all data collected have been submitted to NDA.
- Review any pending QA errors and resubmit corrected data.
Once we hear from you, we will alert you if any further action is needed to close out your NDA Collection. After a successful closeout, we will send you a confirmation email and you will no longer receive reminder notifications.
Research Subject & Pedigree – Not all Data Structures are Created Equal!
The Research Subject and Pedigree data structure is the most important data structure in the NDA Data Dictionary and is found on every NDA Collection Data Expected list. Every research subject, from every NDA Collection whose data are submitted to NDA, must appear on one of the two versions of the Research Subject and Pedigree data structure. It is the only mandatory data structure on all Data Expected lists.
The Research Subject and Pedigree data structure provides a consistent minimal level of information, or harmonization, about every research subject submitted to NDA. It should be the first data structure evaluated by each research team after they complete and submit their Data Submission Agreement. Starting early assures they will be able to collect all necessary information needed to complete and submit this mandatory data structure, without having to go back to gather the necessary information.
There are two versions of the Research Subject and Pedigree Data Structure, ndar_subject01 and genomics_subject02. The genomics_subject02 is used for all research subjects who have agreed to upload some form of genomics data to NDA. All other research subjects must appear on the ndar_subjects01 form. Since this is the only required data structure for all NDA Collections, it should be the first one updated and submitted every submission cycle to ensure compliance. Please make collecting the information for this data structure the number one priority when setting up your NDA Collection.
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (DMSP) Update
NIH policy now requires a detailed statement on Data Management and Sharing with new grant applications. The policy promotes responsible stewardship of data and follows years of public commentary and preparation.
Users of the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) have a head start on data stewardship and should find alignment with NDA practices and the details required for reporting in the DMSP section of applications.
Please review the policy here. If you have any questions, you can contact the NDA Help Desk.
NDA Collection Notes
Collections Under Revision
The following NDA Collections are under revision: C2433, C3153, C3676, C2826. If you are currently working these collections, please direct your questions to the NDA Helpdesk.
Data Correction for NDA Collection 2275
If imaging files were downloaded from NDA Collection 2275 prior to November 9, 2022, errors were found in the header records of some files. Corrected imaging files were uploaded to this Collection on November 9, 2022.
For Subscription and Info :
Last Updated on February 28, 2023