Can recipients change the originally proposed format of a T35 program by devising an electronic curriculum rather than in-person experiences?
Yes, if the alternative methods would provide a meaningful experience related to the goals of the program. Continue reading →
What happens if an institution has already submitted an application, and due to effects of COVID-19, some of the information needs to be revised?
Institutions affected by COVID-19 will be allowed to submit post-submission grant application materials to revise information that was submitted in an application as long as the materials are received at least fourteen days before the start of the review meeting. The post-submission grant application materials policy remains in effect. Only the types of materials allowed under the policy can be accepted. A letter of explanation (one page max.) is required. Continue reading →
For more FAQs from the NIH related to COVID-19, please visit the NIH FAQ page on COVID-19 Flexibilities.
Last Updated on May 12, 2020