NASA Astrophysics Virtual Town Hall: Dual-Anonymous Peer Review for Astrophysics General Observer / General Investigator Programs
February 27, 2020 1pm-2pm ET
Virtual SMD Town Hall Meeting Thursday 2/7/19 at 2 pm Eastern
NASA Astrophysics Virtual Town Hall on February 27: Dual-Anonymous Peer Review for GO/GI Programs
On February 27, 2020, at 1 pm Eastern Time, NASA’s Astrophysics Division will host a virtual community Town Hall to discuss the implementation of dual-anonymous peer review for Astrophysics General Observer / General Investigator (GO/GI) programs. Under this system, not only are proposers unaware of the identity of reviewers, but the reviewers do not have explicit knowledge of the proposing teams and institutions during the scientific evaluation of the proposal.
The Town Hall will: (1) discuss the motivation for switching to dual-anonymous peer review, (2) describe how to write proposals that are compatible with dual-anonymous peer review, and (3) explain how dual-anonymous peer reviews work. A separate Town Hall will take place on March 3, 2020, for the four programs (ADAP, Earth Science US PI, Habitable Worlds, and Heliophysics Guest Investigator-Open) that will take part in a parallel program conducted by the Science Mission Directorate for ROSES-2020.
In advance of the Astrophysics Town Hall, questions may be submitted and upvoted on at!/dashboard.
The Town Hall will be broadcast live via WebEx. Connection details follow:
WebEx URL:
Meeting password: Astrodapr2020!
Audio-only participation is available by calling +1-415-527-5035 and providing access code 904 996 893.
For more information on dual-anonymous peer review, please visit . The slides will be posted to this site following the Town Hall presentation.
Daniel Evans
Astrophysics Division
Science Mission Directorate
Last Updated on February 4, 2020