NU-RES attended the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) meeting 5/20-5/21 in Washington D.C. Here are some highlights:
- The ‘funding hiatus’ that occurred early this year has resulted in the deputy directors prioritizing and issuing 40 FOA’s – they expect the year end will be rough, so
- If you are contacted by Program Officer, react FAST; if project reports are due, do them FAST so they can issue awards
- They encourage applications, as they have the funds and want to award
- Biosketches; encouraging faculty to use SciEncv template to prepare biosketch; will except other forms through Jan 2020; need to find if there are issues with this template….likely eliminating PDF uploads in 2020;
- Foreign Influence is on the rise, from many countries; NIH has contacted 60 institutions to review questionable issues
- China particularly has a program to recruit researchers called the “1000 talents program;” over 300 US researchers were awarded money from this program, but did not disclose to the employer or to the sponsor (COI issue, conflict of commitment issue)
- Patterns seen: shadow labs/mirror labs based in Chinese universities; e.g. PI receives $5M startup packages and does not disclose to home institution or NIH
- Recommendations for organizations: protect info during visits, work with NIH when violations surface, self- report, internal system control
- New ROTC cyber training program; FOA being released June 2019; builds on AF program to build a cyber workforce (ROTC and non‐ROTC)
- New funding approach; 24 months funded then annually thereafter based on 3 years typical model (except for new PI’s…12 months funded, then 24 funded); starting with some FY19 grants and subject to funding availability
- Expenditures and timely research expected (NCE requests are not expected with this model)
- DOD expenditures rates are more scrutinized (border wall is dipping into this funding) … Please be current with invoicing to ensure payment
- The government is working towards plans to require organizations to report on an investigator’s international outside activities, and consider these changes “clarifications” to existing policy
- The government is looking forward in terms of working on several electronic initiatives, such as standardizing notices of the award and doing some work on the Letter of Credit draw processes across the various agencies. Harmonization in these areas would be welcome
- OTA working group is progressing; now NASA and ONR are engaged to potentially join the committee
The next FDP meeting will be in September 2019. Questions about FDP or clarifications on any of this information can be sent to [email protected].
Last Updated on August 14, 2019