Federal agencies require recipient institutions to have policies and practices in place that foster an environment free from harassment, for example, NIH’s can be found here.
Expectations, Policies, and Requirements
NIH expects recipient institutions to have policies and practices in place that foster an environment free from harassment, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and other forms of inappropriate conduct that can result in a hostile work environment. Learn about these expectations and how NIH recipient institutions are required to notify NIH when individuals identified as PD/PI or other Senior/Key personnel in an NIH notice of award are removed from their position or are otherwise disciplined by the recipient institution due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation or hostile working conditions.
NIH requires that every organization receiving NIH funds:
- has systems, policies, and procedures in place to manage research activities in accordance with our standards and requirements
- complies with federal laws, regulations, and policies protecting the rights and safety of individuals working on NIH-funded projects
More Info : https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/harassment/policy-requirement.htm
Last Updated on October 18, 2023