Financial Monitoring and Reports
Banner and Cognos
Self Service Banner (SSB), Banner ePrint reports, and Cognos are the tools in place to help you manage your research budget. Information on interpreting both SSB and ePrint can be found on the Banner Finance Help page via your MyNEU Services and Links tab.
Cognos is a business analytics tool that provides users with a single, self-service portal to access and produce reports, dashboards, and ad hoc queries. Data feeds from COEUS and Banner Finance overnight. Please visit the Cognos website to obtain additional information.
How do I get Banner access?
You may already have Banner access based on your position and role within your department. In the event that you do not have access to Banner Finance, you can request access through the Financial Planning, Strategy, and Analytics Office. The instructions and forms to request Banner Finance access can be found here.
Cognos: Commonly used reports:
This report shows a record of all current and historic research funds (fund type 28 and 29) which fall within your fund-org security, the associated inception-to-date (ITD) budget, and select fund and grant-level demographic information. There are no prompts for this report, as it always runs the data as of the current date.
This report shows the expenses for a research (fund type code of 28 or 29) grant or fund for a selected time period. There is both a summary page, which summarizes the expenses at a fund level and grant level, and a detail page, which shows the transactions roll up to the total expenses on the summary page. Various demographic data at both the fund and grant level are also included for reference.
This report shows the amount paid by employee for the funds which are included in your fund/org security (not limited to research funds), similar to the existing FIN0032 – Payroll Distribution Report (both Banner and Workday versions). In this report, Banner data (December 31, 2021 and earlier) and Workday data (January 1, 2022 and later) are combined into single output table.
This report (similar to the ePrint report FZRB090 Budget Statement – Inception to Date) shows the budget, expenses, commitments, and available balance for one grant through a selectable start date and end date. The data is categorized by account groupings (salaries and wages – temp/PT, salaries and wages – fully benefited, direct costs, and exclusions) for easy analysis, and is aggregated at both the grant and fund level. Select grant-level demographic data is also included for reference.
This report shows actuals, at the fund – account code level, on research funds that the user has access to under Banner fund/org security. The report can be run for one fiscal year/fiscal period, and shows the data either on a fiscal year-to-date or selected-period-only basis. Cores and cost share funds are not included in this report.
This report provides a summary of the payments made to employees (employee position included) for a selectable time period, based on paycheck dates, grouped by grant. The report can be run for all grants the user has access to, or can be narrowed down by selecting one or more grant, fund, and/or grant PI. The report is formatted similarly to the Payroll Certification Report sent out by Research Finance every fall, to allow for on-demand verification both before and after the annual Payroll Certification process. This report is a great way to verify employees and salaries for specific funds through the life cycle.
This report shows budget data (budget, expenses, and commitments) for any sub-contract account lines within the research portfolio that is expiring within a set amount of days. The number of days to expiration is selectable on the prompt page (30, 60, 90, or no limit). Budget data is always as of the date the report is run. Funds which have ended more than 60 days prior to the run date are not included in the report. This report will help identify any subrecipients that may need to be contacted for final invoice requests or to liquidate a PO
This report shows expense transactions which are charged to equipment account lines (73001, 73003, 73004, 73005, 73006, 73007, 73008, 73009, 73011, 73012, and 78312) for a selectable transaction date range. This report can run for all research funds which the user as access to, or can be narrowed down by selection a research fund type and/or one or more grants. If an account code was incorrectly selected, the equipment will not show up here and should be reclassed for IDC purposes.
The report combines budget-to-actuals data (ITD budget, period actuals, ITD actuals, ITD commitments, and budget balance remaining) with select AR data (billed amount, unbilled amount, hold amount, open AR amount, and payments and transfers) by fund based on a selected fiscal year and period. Select grant-level and fund-level demographic information is also included for reference.
This report shows a summary of the invoices/AR booked in Banner for one or more selected grants and/or PIs. The billing and payment entries associated with the grant(s) are also shown on a separate tab. Select grant-level demographic data is also included for reference.
This report shows grant-level or fund-level AR summary including total expenditures, billed, unbilled, hold, and payments. Expense transaction detail by invoice and payment details are included in two additional tabs. Various demographic data at both the fund-level and grant-level are also included for reference.
ePrint: Commonly used reports:
A daily status report of your Fund from the start of the award through the prior business day. Report contains the current authorized budget (“Adjusted Budget”), actual expenditures, commitments, and available balance. Direct/Indirect cost totals, Principal Investigator name, Project Short Title, and budget/project start and end dates are also included.
A monthly status report of your Fund from the start of the award through the month selected. Reports are available after the monthly financial close and contain the same demographic information as the FZRBD90 Daily Budget Statement.
Includes a list of open commitments for personnel costs and purchase orders such as supplies, subcontracts, equipment, etc.
Includes all inception to date payroll disbursements for a given Fund. Please note, the report does not include associated Fringe Benefit costs.
Last Updated on April 25, 2024