Searching for Research Contacts
Searching for Research Contacts
About Contacts information
NU-RES Help Center maintains the contacts information database for Research and Sponsored Programs Points of Contact. Contacts information is provided by Local Admins and Principal Investigator/Department information is provided by colleges.
The contacts information can be searched by Organizational Units, Investigators, Responsibility/Topics, and Research Administrators.
Searching for Contacts
Use the dropdowns for Organizational Unit, Investigators, Responsibility or Research Administrator.
You can select the item you need by scrolling through options or you can type your query to search for the item faster.
Investigator not listed
When you search for Investigators, if the investigator is not listed, search the Employee Directory to identify the organizational unit. You can find contact information for faculty and staff in NU Employee Directory. Then, search for or select the appropriate organizational unit to find the contact.
Using the Smart search box
Instead of using the dropdowns, you can use the Smart search box to find the information you are looking for faster. The Smart search box looks for all four types of information and suggests results indicating their type. The type of information is indicated in bold style text. You can use arrow keys or mouse to select your choice and the results will be displayed in a table below.
To clear the input box and start a new search press Clear button.
Using the results table
The results are displayed in a four-column table. Depending on the type of search Organizational Unit, Investigator, Responsibility, or Research Administrator columns will have different values. For example, if you search by Organizational Unit it will show all contact types for all investigators for the unit. If you search by a research administrator it will show all investigators, topics, and units for that research administrator.
Contact emails for contact persons or investigators are displayed as clickable links. When clicked a new email message window opens in your default email client. Alternatively you can hover over the link, see the copy to clipboard icon and copy the email address to your clipboard to paste it into your email software.
Responsibilities of roles
The responsibilities of roles such as NU-RES Proposal GO and NU-RES Research Account Analyst are provided in the table below the results table.
Requesting updates to information
If you want to request updates (adding, changing, removing) to this information please email [email protected] or use Website Feedback Form.
Last Updated on January 15, 2025