NU-RES Hub Resources
Proposal Timelines
Guidance on internal timelines | Guidance on Internal Deadlines: Institutional Review, Approval, and Submission of Proposals. |
NSF Resources
How PIs Initiate New Rgov Proposals | Guidance for PIs initiating proposals in PIs need to initiate NSF proposals, and then share with sponsored project office (SPO) and authorized organizational representative (AOR). |
How PIs Share Access with SPO AOR | Detailed instructions for PIs sharing proposals with SPO/AOR, thus enabling SPO to edit proposal and AOR to submit. |
COA Template | Current template for collaborators and other affiliates. Please note: will reject COA spreadsheets unless they are prepared with Microsoft Excel. It will reject spreadsheets prepared with, e.g., Google Sheets or other programs. |
NIH Resources
DMS Plan | Required with most NIH proposals. Answer other elements as suitable for your specific project, but please answer Element 6 as follows: “The Principal Investigator will be responsible for the day-to-day oversight of lab/team data management activities and data sharing. In addition, the Research Enterprise Services office at Northeastern University (NU-RES) will be administering this award and will be confirming compliance of the Plan with the PI as part of the annual NIH progress report review.” |
Other Support Format Page | Required as a just-in-time submission for some proposals if NIH is considering funding it. Please note that the OS page needs a digital signature; “wet” or typed signatures are not accepted. |
SciENcv Resources
SciENcv Add Delegates | To list a Hub research administrator as a delegate, with the ability to edit your personnel documents in SciENcv, please follow these instructions. N.B.: delegates can edit documents, but the PI needs to review and certify each time changes are made. |
SciENcv Getting an Account | Please review if you need help creating an account on SciENcv. |
SciENcv Guide | Contains many helpful, step-by-step guides to creating/updating personnel documents for NSF, NIH, and IES. |
How to help classify funding type
Gift vs Sponsored Project | Guidance from NU-RES to assist PIs and other stakeholders in determining whether funding is a gift (unrestricted award provided with no deliverables or other requirements) or a grant/contract (funding provided with deliverables, terms and conditions, a set period of performance, etc.) |
Subrecipient vs Contractor Checklist | Guidance from FDP to assist in determining whether an external partner should be classified as a subrecipient or a contractor. Subrecipients are responsible for meeting reporting requirements to the pass-through-entity and to the prime sponsor; they are active in shaping the research project; and they can expect to publish the results of their work on the research project. Contractors are not responsible for reporting or directing the project’s activities, nor should they expect to publish the results of their work. |
KRI Specific Resources
KRI NDA | KRI, LLC Non-Disclosure Agreement. |
For more information please email [email protected]
Last Updated on January 7, 2025