NIA Implementation of NIH Requirements for Submitting Unsolicited Applications Requesting $500,000 or More in Direct Costs
NIH policy requires any applicant requesting research support of $500,000 or more in direct costs in a single budget period to obtain approval to submit the application from an Institute or Center at least six weeks before the intended submission date. This policy applies to an unsolicited application, whether it is a new (type 1), a competing renewal (type 2), a competing revision (type 3), or a resubmission (A1).
As part of new budget control measures, NIA’s implementation of this policy has been revised in the following ways (changes in bold italics; see NIA guidance for ARAs):
NIA will make competing large awards based on NIA Funding Line Policy for a given fiscal year. To enable NIA program divisions to consider research project applications with large budgets as early as possible in the budget and program planning process, investigators must seek approval to submit their applications in the form of an Awaiting Receipt of Application (ARA). Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact an NIA Program Officer (PO) at least 10 weeks prior to the ARA submission due date to obtain assistance in submitting an ARA request. A PO can be identified by reaching out to the NIA Scientific/Research Contact listed at the end of Section VII of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The PO will discuss the project, provide access to the ARA Request Form, and offer further guidance. Please note that submitting an ARA request does not ensure its approval; it only ensures the request will be reviewed internally at NIA.
Failure to seek ARA approval for a large budget grant application prior to submission will result in the application not being accepted for review and a delay in consideration until the next ARA due date.
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Last Updated on June 4, 2024