The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), with management guidance from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), hosted a meeting of the NSTC Joint Committee on the Research Environment (or NSTC J-CORE) on Tuesday July 9, 2019. Led by senior government officials who chair the NSTC Committee on Science and the NSTC Committee on the S&T Enterprise, J-CORE is composed of four independent sub-committees each tackling a key issue critical to the future health and well-being of the American R&D ecosystem:
- The Subcommittee on Safe and Inclusive Research Environments
- The Subcommittee on Rigor and Integrity in Research
- The Subcommittee on Research Security
- The Subcommittee on Reducing Administrative Burdens
Last Updated on February 3, 2021