Sponsor Submission Tools

Submitting your proposal using the sponsors’ electronic systems and other tools is easy, efficient, and provides instant information on the accuracy of your application.

When using the sponsors’ electronic system or paper applications to submit a proposal to the sponsor, ePAWs or Coeus must be used in tandem for approval routing and institutional data collection.

Electronic submission options:

How to apply / eRA Commons

ASSIST: Electronic system used to prepare and submit grant applications to NIH and other Public Health Service agencies.


Grants.gov: Electronic system used for single access proposal submission to 26 Federal grant-making agencies; using Workspace.

Proposal Central


  • Contact your Grant Officer about proposal preparation
  • Contact RA-Help for application support assistance

Proposal Central: An e-grantmaking website shared by many government, non-profit, and private grant-making organizations.


Research.gov: Web-based system used for electronic proposal submission to the National Science Foundation.


SciENcv: A researcher profile system for all individuals who apply for, receive or are associated with research investments from federal agencies. SciENcv is available in My NCBI.


ORCiD: The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify authors and contributors of scholarly communication as well as ORCID’s website and services to look up authors and their bibliographic output (and other user-supplied pieces of information)

Last Updated on May 7, 2024