Guidance on Internal Deadlines: Institutional Review, Approval, and Submission of Proposals


NU-RES is the University’s Authorized Representative for grants, contracts, and agreements related to research and sponsored programs and provides institutional oversight and approval for all proposals submitted on behalf of Northeastern University. In order to review, advise and approval submissions to external funding agencies, complete, final proposals should be submitted to NU-RES Research Administration at least full 5 business days prior to the funding agency’s deadline.

NU-RES Grant & Contract Officers (GOs) review all proposals for compliance with the funding agency’s rules and regulations as well as Northeastern University’s policies. NU-RES understands that Investigators must manage competing demands on their time and often need to revise their research plan and proposal close to the agency’s deadline. We are committed to the successful submission of all applications, in accordance with the following timelines.

NU-RES Submission Timelines (Internal Deadlines)

1. Complete Proposal Submission

At least 5 full business days prior to funding agency deadline, see additional considerations below for proposals that may require additional time to review and approve.

  • NU-RES warrants a validated submission if the final, complete proposal is routed and received in ePAWS at least 5 full business days before the agency’s deadline.
  • A Complete Proposal includes:
  • All required technical and administrative components in their final format, consistent with the funding announcement. If submitting via agency portal, a printout from the portal should be attached to the ePAWS record.
  • No empty fields, placeholders, or draft documents.
  • Funding announcement number/instructions.
  • All necessary subaward documents, department and institutional approvals, including cost share/indirect cost waiver approvals.
  • Ready for submission without further confirmation from the Principal Investigator (PI).
  • Only forms that require NU-RES completion/signature may be in draft format.
Complete Proposal – Submission and Review Timeline
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Funding Agency Deadline
Proposal routedGO review comments provided. Comments and corrections addressed; proposal submitted.

2. Late Proposals

  • Any proposal routed in ePAWS less than 5 full business days before the deadline are subject to the following conditions:
  • Investigators assume the risk that their proposals may not be successfully submitted by the funding agency’s deadline, may be rejected by the agency, and are also subject to administrative withdrawal by NU-RES if, after submission and upon full institutional review, there are commitments that cannot be met or issues that cannot be resolved.
  • NU-RES will conduct a review based on best efforts and the documentation attached to ePAWS. The depth of this review will depend on when the proposal is routed, the number of proposals submitted in advance of this proposal, and other deadline-driven priorities. These proposals will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • NU-RES reserves the right to submit without review and to conduct a full post-submission review.
  • Limited Review: For proposals that are not fully complete, NU-RES can perform a partial limited review focused on budget related issues (allowability, level of commitment, cost sharing, etc.) if, at minimum, the following are provided 3 full business days before the funding agency’s deadline:
  • Final budget and budget justification (including subaward budgets). In addition to the standard excel budget(s), budget(s) should also be provided in funding agency format as applicable.
  • Funding announcement number/instructions.
  • Abstract/project summary.
Limited Review – Submission and Review Timeline
Day 1Day 2Day 3Funding Agency Deadline
Proposal routedGO comments provided. Comments and corrections addressed; proposal submitted.
  • Please note failure to provide the funding announcement/instructions, abstract/project summary and final budget and justification limits NU-RES’ ability to review, comment or address issues and may require the proposal to be administratively withdrawn.

3. ePAWs v1.0 Submission Deadlines

  • Deadline dates in ePAWS must align with:
  • The listed deadline date and time within the funding announcement.
  • Email notifications from the funding agency specifying a submission deadline; or
  • If no firm deadline is imposed by funding agency (ex: proposal is accepted anytime), the proposal will be reviewed and submitted within 5 full business days from when the final complete application is routed to NU-RES. Deadline date in ePAWS should be set to 5 full business days from the date the record is routed.

Additional Considerations

  • For submissions requiring registration in a new funding agency portal, hard copies, notarized signatures, insurance certificates or proof of insurance, non-standard administrative forms, review of contractual terms and conditions and/or letters of exception, please notify the Proposal Grant & Contract Officer at least 10 business days before the deadline to ensure enough time for proper review, completion of documents and/or portal registration.
  • If the funding agency requires hard copies, the department and PI are responsible for mailing them. NU-RES will mail hard copies only if the proposal requires a hard copy of an authorized institutional official’s signature and proposal is route with sufficient time ahead of the deadline.
  • Internal approvals for items such as cost share and indirect cost rate waivers should be provide upon routing the ePAWS records. If not included, approvers should be aware that by approving an ePAWS record, they endorse the submission, and all commitments made within it. The University reserves the right to withdraw an application or refuse to accept an award if commitments contained in the proposal cannot be met.

Last Updated on December 12, 2024