GEM Fellowship Process


The mission of The National GEM Consortium is to enhance the value of the nation’s human capital by increasing the participation of underrepresented groups (African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans) at the master’s and doctoral levels in engineering and science. GEM offers MS and Ph.D. level students an outstanding opportunity and access to dozens of the top Engineering and Science firms and Universities in the nation. The GEM Fellowship was designed to focus on promoting opportunities for individuals to enter industry at the graduate level in areas such as research and development, product development, and other high level technical careers. Various Northeastern colleges accept GEM Fellows. The fellowship contract with GEM is a binding document that commits Northeastern to certain terms and conditions, as such NU-RES serves as the University’s signing official on all Gem Fellowship contracts.

Types of GEM Fellowships

There are various types of GEM fellowships under two different programs.

MS Engineering and Science Fellowship Program

  • Employer Fellows (Employer & Northeastern sponsored)
  • $4,000 living stipend (employer sponsored) per full-time semester up to 4 semesters ($8K per academic year – 3 periods).
  • Minimum $16,000 total stipend over the entire Master’s program (employer sponsored).
  • Up to two paid summer internships with a GEM Employer Member.
  • Full tuition and fees provided by a GEM University Member (Northeastern).
  • University Fellows (Northeastern sponsored)
  • Full tuition and fees provided by the GEM Member University.
  • Associate Fellows (Northeastern sponsored)
  • Full tuition and fees provided by the GEM Member University.
  • At least $8,000 stipend per year provided by the GEM Member University for Master Student.


PhD Engineering and Science Fellowship Program

  • Employer Fellows (Employer & Northeastern sponsored)
  • $16,000 stipend (employer sponsored) applied to one academic year.
  • Additional stipend (assistantships, grants, other stipend dollars) support from GEM Member University to bring the stipend amount up to the funding level of other funded PhD students in that department (Northeastern).
  • A minimum of one paid summer internships with a GEM Employer Member.
  • Full tuition and fees up to the fifth year of the PhD program (employer sponsored).
  • Associate Fellows (Northeastern sponsored)
  • Full tuition and fees provided by the GEM Member University.
  • At least $16,000 stipend per year provided by the GEM Member University for PhD Student.

Business Process

In order for a GEM Fellowship contract to be processed in a timely manner the following steps should be followed:

  • College Admissions decides to accept a Fellow.
  • College Admissions completes GEM Fellowship Form with all relevant information and submits to College RA and NU-RES ([email protected]) simultaneously.
  • College RA initiates and routes complete ePAWS record to GO (which includes cost share form if applicable and GEM Fellowship form) and eCLAWS record.
  • NU-RES completes and signs student contract in GEMS Portal.
  • NU-RES uploads partially executed fellowship contract to eClaws, updates eClaws sub-status to “Pending Department” and sends to College Admissions and College RA simultaneously.
  • If student does not accept fellowship, College RA cancels eClaws and notifies NU-RES via email. Process stops here.
  • If student accepts fellowship offer, College Admissions secures final contract signatures by student and GEM coordinator via the GEM portal.
  • College Admissions routes, via email, fully executed contract to College RA.
  • College RA uploads fully executed contract and any other backup documents to eClaws and notifies GO via email.
  • NU-RES GO processes eClaws & ePaws records based on standard operating procedures for each workflow.
  • If no external employer funding is included in fellowship, GO sends email to College RA with a cc to Research Finance indicating e-Paws record is finalized and there is a committed cost share.
  • If external funding is included, award obligation is processed by NU-RES GO in accordance with the standard award obligation setup (AOS) procedure.

GEM Fellowship Form

Last Updated on December 12, 2024