Current and Pending Records

Current and Pending Records

Most funding agencies require information on the present support and pending proposal of key personnel. The same type of information must be supplied both for active awards and for pending proposals and typically includes the funding agency of the project, project title, project period, total project costs, the effort devoted by the investigator.

As a starting point for collecting the information required, the recommended method of collecting this information is to run reports from the Data Warehouse.

If you have access to the Data Warehouse…

  • Run RSRCH0003 (Proposal Details) and filter on status “Pending,” Custom Period going back 2 years, and the Investigator’s name
  • Run RSRCH0028 (Active Awards by PI and Credit Split), select the Investigators name, and review the tab “Active Awards by Credit Split” to see all of the active awards in which the investigator is currently participating, in any role
  • Users may also access current and pending information through the Coeus Lite application;

  • Login with your my Northeastern credentials
  • Select “My Proposals” tab and create a TEST proposal for Current and Pending purposes; once created, select the “Investigator/Key Persons” tab

  • Select the “Report” link; the result: an Excel sheet with a Current and a Pending tab is downloaded to your desktop

  • Reuse this proposal for future inquiries by changing the investigator name
  • Last Updated on December 6, 2024