Tracking Log Subawards
Tracking Log
To find outgoing SubAward agreements on the Tracking log, open the log either in SharePoint or on a desktop copy, filter on Column D ‘Action,’ and deselect all:
Then Select ‘Subaward Out’ from the list:
*You can then filter the log further by PI, Department, College, Grant Number (G0000XXXX), or Subaward Institution by following the above steps for the column you wish to filter.
eCLAWS can be used to easily find the status of your outgoing SubAward agreement.
When a new award or renewal is obligated (i.e. fully executed) and includes subawards in the proposal, the NU-RES Subaward Manager will be prompted to create an eCLAWs record for the subaward; The PI will be listed as the NU Contact (they receive an email from eCLAWs alerting them that the eCLAWs record has been created on their behalf), and the College Admins will have access to the record via their College Administrator Permissions using their eCLAWs Submitter role.
Use the Search function in eCLAWs to find records in process and view the current status and sub-status. Subaward records can be found by searching by fund number, NU PI, or subrecipient:
Exceptions: College initiated subawards including subawards not named at time of proposal and/or programmatic changes (PI change, budget changes etc.) – these eCLAWs records will be created by the college admins, and may/may not include the fund number in the “brief explanation” field as a search term.
If an updated budget or Scope of Work is needed, the Subaward Manager will request these via “Information Request” to College Administrator and PI:
NCE’s for subrecipients: Subaward Manager will be prompted by the NU-RES Grant Officers once the NCE has been approved by sponsor
NU-RES initiated outgoing subawards or amendments will be sent to PI and college admins via “Information Request” for review before issuing to subrecipient.
Last Updated on December 5, 2024