Information Requests

Information Requests

Responding to an Information Request

  • The recipients will receive an email alerting them to the request for information, will indicate the application from which the message was sent, the record number, and that an Action is Required:

  • Recalling the record number shown in the email, the recipient selects the “My Consults, Information Requests” link in the email, logs into the system, and selects the “Additional Information Request” link on the Record ID line within the “All of My Active Consults & Information Requests” widget…This will take you directly to the chat:

  • Note: Users can also access the chat by selecting the Record ID link, navigating to the Informational Requests tab, and then selecting the title link.
  • Review the chat, respond in the chat window, adding any new attachments as required, then select the airplane (send) button to respond back to the reviewer; then close the chat window:

Last Updated on December 5, 2024