NU-RES Conference 2024

Northeastern University Research Enterprise Services (NU-RES) Conference June 11-13, 2024

NU-RES hosted the annual Conference on June 11-13, 2024 virtually!  The conference brought together all NU-RES team members, including those based in remote locations, as well as our College Grant Administrator colleagues and Faculty. The conference is designed to strengthen our working relationships across the university, look for ways to reduce Faculty burden and improve processes, as well as giving us an opportunity to design and deliver valuable professional development sessions for NU-RES and college research administrators, and to participate in some team building activities. Its overall goal is improving research administration skills, abilities, and relationships as part of our ongoing effort to improve the support of our faculty, and the university’s research endeavors.

Sessions throughout the conference covered a wide range of topics, including proposal budgeting, contracts, data management, financial compliance, IRB protocols, research security, and more, addressing the full spectrum of grant lifecycle management. Presenters for these conference sessions represent a variety of departments across Northeastern including NU-RES, HRPP, OARS, Global ERS, College of Engineering, Bouve, OGC, and EAI.

Additionally, we were fortunate to feature some Northeastern faculty presenting their innovative research and its real-world implications. This offered attendees a unique chance to learn about the work that underpins our collective efforts supporting research here at Northeastern.

The conference content benefits all those in the Northeastern research community including, but not limited to:

  • Research Administrators
  • Principal Investigators and Professors
  • Researchers and Scientists
  • Postdocs and New Researchers
  • Lab Managers
  • Department Business Managers
  • ITS, Research Computing, Libraries
  • Research Development and Advancement

Details on the presentations: