AHRQ Grant Recipient use of the eRA Commons to Submit First-Time No-Cost Extension (NCE) Notifications for Grant Awards that are under Expanded Authorities
Effective on August 1, 2020, AHRQ grant recipients may, and effective October 1, 2020, AHRQ grant recipients MUST, use the No-Cost Extension feature in the eRA Commons to notify AHRQ when they exercise their one-time authority to extend, without additional funds, the final budget period end date of a grant award that is included under expanded authorities.
The terms and conditions of award included in a grant’s Notice of Award (NOA) indicate whether or not a particular grant is included under expanded authorities. In general, the following AHRQ grant activity codes are included under expanded authorities: F31, F32, K01, K02, K08, K18, K99, P20, R00, R01, R03, R13, R18, R21, R24, R25, R33, R36. Grantees are advised to refer to their terms of award, which take precedence over this Notice, to determine if a particular grant is included under expanded authorities. For more information see the notice.
Last Updated on July 28, 2020